Saturday, October 2, 2010

Comfy Cozy:

I just realized that I only have Christian friends.
How did that happen again?
This is something I want to stop soon.
I live at home.  I'm not in school.  I work with old people at my job.  I don't play sports.
Who cares.  I'll figure out a way because this is not ok.
It's such an easy thing to stay comfy cozy in Christian circles.
Turning church into a social calendar instead of life lived... terrible.
I make myself sick.
Christian friends are amazing, do NOT get me wrong.
Without them, I would not be where I am.
But, as always, there is a balance.
And I have full on tipped the scale.
Thank the Lord for his grace.
I'm trying.


  1. maybe become a frequent at a coffeeshop that's not exactly christian centered?

  2. I've tried that in Long Beach but it gets expensive. I'll try again in Riverside : )
